Yunnan Sennka Flower Co. Limited


Care & Preservation

2017-02-16 Yunnan Sennka Flower Co. Limited


Preserved flowers and foliage are natural flowers and greens that have been processed with a revolutionary technology to maintain their fresh appearance for several years. Their beauty and soft delicate appearance makes it difficult to differentiate between cut flowers and the fresh look of our products.

The substances used in the preservation process are non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-carcinogenic, non-explosive and non-chemical reactive. The solutions and colorants are the same as those used in food, medical and textile manufacturing; there for, they do not represent any health or environmental risk.



Long-lasting and Maintenance-free.It is not require water or light.The only care the products requires is occasional removal of dust,ideally with an air spray,air blower/dryer or alternatively dusting with a soft cloth.

Avoid crushing,pressing or folding the foliage,petals or flowers.

Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

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